WIND_12000_Offline Ordering.txt Bounds: x1=138, y1=91, x2=588, y2=391 ProcID: 8 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 Title: 'MacWasher Off-line Ordering' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_11000_Help.txt Bounds: x1=138, y1=91, x2=588, y2=391 ProcID: 8 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 Title: 'MacWasher Help' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_10000_About.txt Bounds: x1=4, y1=42, x2=364, y2=252 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'About MacWasher' Auto position: 0x700A WIND_9014_Dialog Inform No Prefs.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=40, x2=319, y2=133 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'Alert!' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_9012_Dialog Inform Stop the Wash.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=40, x2=345, y2=217 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'Alert!' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_9010_Dialog Inform Stop the Wash.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=40, x2=345, y2=278 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'Alert!' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_9002_Dialog Proceed With Wash.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=40, x2=309, y2=120 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'Information' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_9001_Dialog Trial Period Expired.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=40, x2=309, y2=120 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'Information' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_9000_Dialog Demo Notice.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=40, x2=431, y2=90 ProcID: 3 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'MacWasher Demo Notice' Auto position: 0x680A WIND_8000_Other Size.txt Bounds: x1=163, y1=108, x2=363, y2=208 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: 'Other Size' Auto position: 0x0000 WIND_4000_Text Window Multistyle.txt Bounds: x1=138, y1=91, x2=588, y2=391 ProcID: 8 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 Title: '' Auto position: 0x780A WIND_501_Wash Status Window.txt Bounds: x1=4, y1=42, x2=419, y2=312 ProcID: 3 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A